Produced by Filmation as a part of the Superman/Aquaman Hour of Adventure, Hawkman chronicled the adventures of the DC Comics-based super-hero. Hawkman was Carter Hall, an archeologist who was the reincarnation of an ancient Egyptian prince, Khufu. In the comics, he and Hawkgirl used the same tools displayed in his museum to fight crime.
Hawkman's first animated appearance was in the 1967 Filmation animated series The Superman/Aquaman Hour of Adventure, in which Hawkman appeared in several shorts, either in solo adventures or as part of the Justice League. The cartoon version resembled the Silver Age hero closely, with the exception of his using a ray blaster "power claw" instead of archaic weapons and instead of Hawkgirl, an eagle sidekick named Skreal. Additionally his space craft was bird shaped. There were only three 7-minute episodes of The Atom produced.
Characters: Actors:
Vic Perrin - Hawkman
Ted Knight - Narrator
Peril from Pluto
A Visit to Venus
The Twenty Third Dimension
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