Produced by Filmation as a part of the Superman/Aquaman Hour of Adventure, The Atom chronicled the adventures of the diminutive DC Comics-based super-hero. The alter ego of his civilian guise of Professor Ray Palmer, The Atom uses hit wits, fighting skills, and ability to control his size to outwit would-be world beaters and other criminals. The Atom also appeared as a member of the Justice League cartoons which also aired during the show at other times. There were only three 7-minute episodes of The Atom produced.
Using a mass of white dwarf star matter, Ray Palmer fashions a lens that enables him to shrink any object to any degree he wishes. However, any object so treated soon explodes as a side effect, which obviously precludes any practical use of the lens.
During a spelunking expedition, Palmer and his friends find themselves trapped in a cave when the entrance collapses. In desperation, Palmer secretly uses the lens he has carried with him to shrink himself down in order to be able to climb to a small hole high in the wall that leads to the outside, knowing full well he will likely explode. Using a diamond engagement ring, Palmer enlarges the hole sufficiently and descends to the floor to try to alert the others of the escape route before dying. However, upon entering the lens' beam, he finds himself returned to normal size. As the lens is covered with cave moisture, Palmer thinks this fact has altered the beam to allow this strange effect. When subsequent experiments show no change with the explosions, Palmer concludes that there must be some mysterious force in his own body that allows him to be shrunk safely and later returned to normal. He decides to use this effect to become a superhero.
Characters: Actors:
Pat Harrington, Jr. - Atom
Ted Knight - Narrator
Invasion of the Beetle-Men
The Plant Master
The House of Doom
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