
The Show:
Spider-Woman was a half hour long cartoon. Spider-Woman was an attempt in 1979 to capitalize on a new female hero in the Marvel Universe. The new cartoon dealt with a character connected with Spider-Man, who was at the height of his popularity due to Spider-Man And His Amazing Friends. However, the series lasted only a single season.

According to the title sequence, Jessica Drew (voiced by Joan Van Ark) was bitten by a poisonous spider as a child; her father saved her life by injecting her with an experimental "spider serum", which also granted her superhuman powers. As an adult, Jessica is editor of Justice Magazine, with two other employees featured; photographer Jeff and Jessica's teenage nephew Billy. When trouble arises, Jessica slips away to change into her secret identity of Spider-Woman.
The cartoon differs considerably from the comic book in its premise and supporting cast. Billy, Jeff, and Justice Magazine never appear in the comic book in any form. Nor do the darker elements of the comic book (the heavy use of Arthurian legend and the occult, Jessica's feelings of alienation) enter into the much brighter world of the cartoon. The origin of her powers is also altered somewhat; at the time of the series' production, the threat to her life in the comics was radiation poisoning
The animated Spider-Woman's powers are noticeably modified; her enhanced strength in particular seems entirely missing, as she is shown in several episodes being restrained by means (such as ordinary rope) that her super-strong comic-book counterpart could easily break. In addition to the ability to cling to walls:

Spider-Woman retains the ability to fire bursts of energy from her hands called "venom blasts", but they are white instead of green. The episode "Realm of Darkness" seems to imply that Venom Blasts can be fired as long Spider-woman has enough strength.
Spider-Woman has powers vaguely similar to ones possessed by Spider-Man that her comic book incarnation lacks:
A clairvoyant "spider-sense" that allows her to see dangers as they happen; no matter where she is, she can close her eyes and see the event, shown to the viewers as an image outlined by a spider-web.
She can also project spider-like "weblines" from the palms of her hands or an individual finger. This appears to be naturally generated, as opposed to Spider-Man's mechanical web-shooters, but she is similarly prone to running out of "web fluid" ("The Ghost Vikings"). She is able to control the direction in which her weblines move; "The Kingpin Strikes Again" shows her casting a web in a descending spiral to disorient and then restrain a criminal.
The animated Spider-Woman also has the ability to change into costume merely by spinning around, an idea borrowed from the Wonder Woman television series starring Lynda Carter.
While Spider-Woman could (at the time) only glide on air currents in the comics, the animated version appears able to fly at will, though her costume's glider wings were apparent whenever she took flight. (The comic book incarnation has since gained the power of true flight as well.)
The animated Spider-Woman would occasionally display previously unknown "spider"-powers, conveniently able to assist her in random situations, such as:
"Spider-telepathy", allowing her to mentally communicate with spiders and ask them for assistance ("Pyramids of Terror")
A sonic scream, dubbed her "spider-shriek" ("Realm of Darkness")
A protective "spider-bubble" allowing her to function underwater without diving gear ("The Ghost Vikings")

The Spider-Woman cartoon should not be confused with Web Woman (part of the Batman/Tarzan & The Super 7 lineup), a Filmation superheroine cartoon launched at around the same time, which reportedly prompted Marvel Comics into creating a Spider-Woman character to secure the copyright

Characters: Actors:
Jessica Drew - Spider-Woman Joan Van Ark (Yes...THAT Joan Van Ark)
Jeff Hunt - Bruce Miller
Billy Drew - Bryan Scott
Lou Krugman … Police Chief (voice)
Larry Carroll … Detective Miller (voice)

Pyramids Of Terror
Realm Of Darkness
The Amazon Adventure
The Ghost Vikings
The Kingpin Strikes Again
The Lost Continent
The Kongo Spider (missing)
Games Of Doom
Shuttle To Disaster
Dracula's Revenge
The Spider-Woman And The Fly
Invasion Of The Black Hole
The Great Magini
A Crime In Time
Return Of The Spider-Queen
A Deadly Dream

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