Iron Man (1990s)

The Show:
Iron Man is an animated television series based on Marvel Comics' superhero Iron Man. The series aired from 1994 to 1996 in syndication as part of The Marvel Action Hour, which packaged Iron Man with another animated series based on Marvel properties, the Fantastic Four, with one half-hour episode from each series airing back-to-back.

Although only lasting two seasons, Iron Man was the subject of a major overhaul between seasons when its production studio was changed. The result was a massively changed premise, tone, and general approach, which left the disparate seasons scarcely recognizable as being two halves of the same series.
The first season of Iron Man featured little more than a Masters of the Universe-style battle of "good against evil", as billionaire industrialist Tony Stark battled the evil forces of the world-conquering Mandarin as the armored superhero, Iron Man. In his evil endeavors to steal Stark's technology and Iron Man's armor, the Mandarin led a large group of villians. To combat these villains, Iron Man had the help of his own team (based on Force Works, a then-current comic book team which has since faded into obscurity), including Century, War Machine, Scarlet Witch, Hawkeye and Spider Woman. The season consisted mostly of single-episode open-and-shut-case adventures.
In 1995, Marvel switched The Marvel Action Hour to a new animation studio (as previously mentioned, the animation in Season 1 was provided by the Rainbow Animation Group, while the animation in Season 2 was provided by Koko Enterprises), and with it came new writers.
The new storylines spanned multiple episodes and were no longer "open and shut" cases. They formed a linking narrative, featuring themes of duplicity, consequence, and phobias. Also, the stories were no longer centered on the Mandarin, whose 10 rings of power (one for each finger) had been scattered and whose power had been depleted. While the Mandarin did appear in these episodes, his appearances were reduced to cameos in the cliffhangers at the end of the story, as he tried to retrieve each ring.
In the finale,the Mandarin, having regained all of his rings, unleashes a mist using the heart of darkness to render everything technological useless. Iron Man reunites with Force Works in order to stop him. The Mandarin unmasks Iron Man before their final showdown ends in his death. After disappointing ratings, the series was cancelled.

Characters: Actors:
Robert Hays - Iron Man/Tony Stark, Living Laser
James Avery - War Machine/James Rhodes (Season 1, episodes 1-10), Whirlwind (Season 1, episodes 1-10), Blacklash (1994-1995)
Jim Cummings - MODOK, Century ("The Beast Within" only), many additional supporting characters (including Bill Clinton) and stand-in vocals for War Machine, Whirlwind, Grey Gargoyle & Justin Hammer
Dorian Harewood - War Machine/James Rhodes (Season 1, episode 6 onwards), Whirlwind (Season 1, episode 11 onwards), Blacklash (1995-1996), Stilt-Man
John Reilly - Hawkeye/Clint Barton, Beetle
Katherine Moffat - Scarlet Witch/Wanda Frank (Season 1), Rachel Carpenter
Jennifer Darling - Scarlet Witch (Season 2), Hypnotia (Season 2)
Casey Defranco - Spider-Woman/Julia Carpenter (Season 1)
Jennifer Hale - Spider-Woman/Julia Carpenter (Season 2), Ghost (shared)
James Warwick - Century (Season 1), Sam Jaggers, General Hirsch
Tom Kane - H.O.M.E.R., Century ("Hands of the Mandarin" only), Stingray, Ghost (shared), Sunturion
Ed Gilbert - The Mandarin (Season 1), Grey Gargoyle, Ultimo
Robert Ito - The Mandarin (Season 2)

Season 1 (1996-1997)
1. And The Sea Shall Give Up It's Dead
2. Rejoice! I Am Ultimo Thy Deliverer
3. Data In - Chaos Out
4. Silence My Companion, My Death Destination
5. The Grim Reaper Wears A Teflon Coat
6. Enemy Within, Enemy Without
7. Origin Of The Mandarin
8. Defection Of Hawkeye
9. Iron Man To The Second Power, Part 1
10. Iron Man To The Second Power, Part 2
11. Origin Of Iron Man, Part 1
12. Origin Of Iron Man, Part 2
13. The Wedding Of Iron Man

Season 2
14. The Beast Within
15. Fire & Rain
16. Cell Of Iron
17. Not Far From The Tree
18. Beauty Knows No Pain
19. Ironman, On The Inside
20. Distant Boundries
21. The Armor Wars, Part 1
22. The Armor Wars, Part 2
23. Empowered
24. Hulk Buster
25. Hands Of The Mandarin, Part 1
26. Hands Of The Mandarin, Part 2

Download Links
(1 file = 1 episode. Note: All of the following files are in avi. file format. To convert the files for viewing in MPEG file format and DVD burning, either use a file conversion program, or download Format Factory--the link is on the left side of the page).


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